Thursday, April 2, 2009

bookmarking or launching several websites with a single click

There are lots of open websites and you want to check them later? Or there are several sites you want to open with a single click, so you don't have to open them one by one? Then, here comes maxthon 2's magical solution; using the groups.

Assume that there are several website tabs and you want to save them. You should
  Open groups 

  Click on Add all tabs as group 

  Enter group name 

  Press OK :) 

Next time you want to open all these previous sites, you should
 Open groups 

  Click to the group name 

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

suggested small language changes for jdk 7

Project Coin has the goal of grouping language changes suggested for JDK 7. David Linsin has brief listing of these proposals with code examples to clearify things. I suggest you to take a look.

Monday, March 30, 2009

how to fix sudo command in zenwalk 6

What you wait from sudo command is that it gives you the power of root for a single command. But you'll notice that it does not work properly in Zenwalk 6. To fix it;

check your group by opening your start menu > system > control panel > user profiles > list users > your_username > hit ok > note groupname value

open Terminal



and login (then you become root)


mousepad /etc/sudoers

edit the line after

# Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands

comment as

%your_groupname_value ALL=(ALL) ALL
and save. Voila.